Tag: Health

Staying Hydrated & Healthy in Summer Heat
Kids are heading back to school and fall fashions are starting to hit the stores, but we’re not out of the hot days of summer just yet. Summer is a great time to get outside to cook out or watch the grandkids play baseball. While we enjoy these events, it’s important to keep our bodies healthy by staying properly hydrated.Read More…
Meal Services Help Seniors Stay Healthy at Home
Maintaining a healthy diet can improve mental sharpness, immunity, energy levels, recovery times and help better manage chronic health problems. Meal services help ensure that seniors get the nutrition needed to continue enjoying the highest possible quality of life as they age.
Protecting Senior Skin from Dry Winter Conditions
When we think about winter care for seniors, we often talk of preventing falls on ice and hypothermia, but sometimes forget about an issue that takes place both indoors and out – skincare.
Pneumonia – A (Preventable) Threat to Seniors
Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria or viruses. The disease and its symptoms can vary from mild to severe. For seniors, pneumonia can even become life-threatening.
Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month
September is Atrial Fibrillation awareness month. Atrial Fibrillation (often referred to as AFib) is the most common type of irregular heartbeat, affecting about 2.7 million people in the US. During AFib, an individual’s steady, normal heartbeat becomes chaotic and often rapid. The condition may lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications.
Elderly Skin - Beating Sunburn & Monitoring its Harmful Effects
We know that too much exposure to the sun is harmful (according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, about 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and 65% of melanomas are associated with exposure to UV radiation from the sun). Skin precautions are especially important for the elderly because the odds of developing skin cancer rise as you age.
Preparing for Productive Doctor Visits for Seniors
The benefits of a good relationship with your doctor are universal. However, as age brings new conditions and treatments needing attention, it becomes even more important to talk often and comfortably with your doctor.Read More…
Is laughter the best medicine?
Perhaps not, but there’s more to the old saying than you might think – especially for seniors and their caregivers. Life can seem humorless for aging seniors and their able-bodied yet overwhelmed caregivers, however, a good laugh might be just what the doctor ordered.
A Great Snack & Caregiver's Secret Weapon
Packed with nutrients and there’s no preparation required – nuts are a terrific snack for caregivers, who need to maintain their energy and are often short on time. They’re inexpensive, easy to store and convenient on the go. The fat content that once gave them a bad rap is now considered to be a “good fat.”
Saving Your Vision – More Than Meets the Eye
March is Save Your Vision Month. Contrary to popular belief, good vision doesn't necessarily mean that your eyes are healthy. The only way to ensure good vision and healthy eyes is to get a yearly check up by an eye doctor.
Avoiding the Holiday Blues and Depression Among Seniors
The song says “tis the season to be jolly” but for some, the holidays can be a sad and lonely time. Days become shorter. Cold weather keeps you cooped up. Winter can be depressing – particularly for seniors, who may find themselves isolated and missing deceased loved ones and merrier times.
One Word that Can Reduce Your Fall Risk – Fitness
It’s a no-brainer, right? Of course fitness improves strength, balance and flexibility, but have you really thought about what’s at risk?
Dangers of Grapefruit...and Other Medication Interactions to Beware Of
Medication interaction is an important concern when caring for seniors because they are generally at the highest risk, due to the likelihood of taking numerous prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Read More…
The Inside Scoop on Seniors & Nutrition
You know that it’s important get proper nutrition, but are you aware of its growing significance as we age? Eating can play a key role in staying healthy and independent in later years of life.
6 Simple Tips for Staying Vibrant as a Senior
The benefits of staying healthy are universal but become increasingly important with age. Following these basic guidelines can help continue a happy and fulfilling life for as long as possible.Read More…
How to Maximize Heart Health & Prevent Disease
February is American Heart Month. Valentine’s Day may have passed but there’s no reason to stop thinking about your heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, so show yourself some love by learning how you can improve your heart health.
Home Care Essentials: Proper Medication Management
Medication management is one of the most important issues when caring for a senior. Whether you’re a family caregiver or working with a home health care agency, you should know about the prescriptions a senior is taking.
Hypothermia – An Overlooked Threat to Seniors (Part 2 of 2)
When I posted our last blog about hypothermia, St. Louis was feeling its most bitter cold weather in decades. Today, a week later, the weather has turned pleasant and mounds of snow are fading away. It’s a good time to review ways to prepare for the next cold spell and prevent hypothermia before it has a chance to strike.
Hypothermia - An Overlooked Threat to Seniors (Part 1 of 2)
St. Louis is encountering its coldest weather in decades. For caregivers, it’s important to know health concerns that accompany this bitter cold.
We know the dangers of ice and exhaustive snow shoveling, but a lesser-known risk occurs within our own bodies and is a particular threat to seniors. Hypothermia is when body heat drops abnormally low, and gone untreated, can be life threatening.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Fast Facts
October is breast cancer awareness month. It is particularly important for seniors to be informed because, like all cancers, the risk of breast cancer increases with age.
Free Flu Shots in St. Louis - Fall 2013
We are approaching the flu season again. Beginning as early as September 22, 2013, free flu shots will be offered around the St. Louis area.
Senior Exercise Tips to Keep a Healthy Body and Mind
Though the rewards of exercise are universal, considerable evidence links increased benefits to seniors and aging adults. Here are several ways to help make exercise manageable when finding the motivation is tough.
Seasonal Affective Disorder - Seniors' Symptoms May Resemble Depression
Reviewing our most popular blog posts, the topic of Sundowner’s Syndrome always tops the list. This post covers a similar condition – seasonal affective disorder. Like Sundowner’s Syndrome, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is conditional. While Sundowner’s occurs during a specific time of day, SAD occurs at a certain time of the year, usually in the winter.
Flu Vaccinations – Their Importance to Seniors & the Benefits of Acting Early
As the busy holiday season approaches, so does the flu season. This makes now a great time for an annual flu shot – before your schedule fills up and before the flu has the opportunity to attack. After getting the vaccination, it takes two weeks to start protecting you, so it’s wise to act before the flu season fully kicks in.
Health Care Risk Factors for Substance Abuse
Health care workers, more than the general public, face many workplace risk factors for substance abuse disorders. Among these factors are access, stress, lack of education and attitude.
Improve Your Balance to Prevent Falls: 5 Tips for Seniors
According to the National Institutes of Health, more than one in three seniors over the age of 65 suffer a fall each year. Nearly 1.6 million of these injured seniors require an emergency room visit and approximately 5,000 of these falls are fatal. The NIH also asserts falls are the largest cause of hospital admissions, fracture and loss of vitality or independence for seniors. The loss of balance that accompanies age is a key reason for these unwanted falls and their resulting injuries. Here are 5 senior home care tips to help improve your balance, and quality of life.
Seniors - Enjoy the Snow and Avoid the Cold!
Winter is, indeed, a wonderful time for many of us. Children and skiers love the snow and everyone enjoys the holidays. For some, however, the cold weather brings more bad news than good. The elderly, in particular, are extremely wary at this time of year and for good reason. Ice, snow, colds and seniors do not mix.
Congestive Heart Failure - Have You Considered Home Care?
As adults age their hearts start to wear out. One of the complications they can suffer is congestive heart failure. While most people develop this slowly over time it can happen suddenly without warning. There is no cure, only management of this chronic long term heart failure. Often heart failure is caused by other problems such as coronary heart disease, infections, and cardiomyopathy.
Sad, Confused and Tired - Depression Among the Elderly
When people begin to age and become unable to take care of themselves, it can take over and quickly become depression. The rate of elderly people in the United States is growing rapidly making healthcare for senior citizens one of the highest medical costs. Depression and seniors is not a good mix, and it can cause a lot of other problems all over their body and can even cause premature death.
Weight Loss Among the Elderly - Is It Due to Depression or Dementia?
At Seniors Home Care we empower our caregivers and staff by providing ongoing training programs. This information is also helpful to family caregivers who may have noticed a loved one's weight loss.
Elderly in Jeopardy During Heat Wave
Summer, and Summer heat waves pose a very real danger to the elderly. Normally, our body controls and regulates elevated temperature by allowing heat loss through the skin and by evaporation.
Weight Loss: Underlying Factors Among the Elderly
John, age 85, is receiving home care after a recent fall and fracture of the hip. Over the last year since his wifes death, he has experienced a large weight loss. Johns doctor feels that the weigh loss contributed towards his fall and something needs to be done. John admits to not having the appetite he used to when his wife was alive, "She used to make me a snack every night before bed. I always knew that she cared."
Aunt Louise and Her Hospital to Home Experience
It never ceases to prove out the frailty of some elders!! Start listening to your parents, co-workers, neighbors, or friends any time they relay a story regarding an elder that is hospitalized.
Keeping The Elderly Hydrated - Being Creative
As spring makes its slow crawl into our lives, I start to think about those warm days to come. I am reminded of a conversation I normally have with my grandmother about drinking water and staying hydrated.
Help Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke in Seniors - Steps to Take
I have previously blogged on Heart Disease and it's prevalence in the elderly. As a Registered Nurse working in the private duty home health care field, I too often see seniors who suffer from the effects of heart attacks, strokes and other heart related conditions.
Care for the Elderly: Congestive Heart Failure
"All I Heard Was Congestive Heart Failure. What Does That Mean? Is She Going To Die? "
"He Is Trying to Explain It – But It is Like The Doctor Is Speaking Another Language…"
As a nurse who primarily cares for the elderly, these are common reactions I hear.
The Number One Medication Management Tip: Pay Attention to the Details
The ability of the elderly to manage their medications is often a concern to the family. These concerns of the family often become a point of contention between themselves and the elder. At what point does the family step in?
Care In Home For a Senior With Diabetes - Proper Nutrition Tips
November is American Diabetes month so it seems appropriate to discuss appropriate food choices for those with diabetes.
Proper nutrition is important for all people but is especially critical for those with diabetes. As a professional in a home care company, I see many clients with diabetes levels that are out of control. When a Seniors Home Care nurse does an assessment and identifies a client with diabetes, they always talk about the persons diet. Lowering or limiting certain foods can make a dramatic change in a persons attitude and overall mood.
Senior Home Health: Winter Season Tips
My name is Lydia and I am a nurse at Seniors Home Care. I find great joy in helping to create a plan of care that is most appropriate and customized for each client. I also make sure each client receives the best possible care. This is achieved through constant communication with caregivers, clients, client families (when appropriate) and other professionals in the community. Lets face it, situations change and communication is key. I would like to talk a little bit about having a safe winter.
Home Care Talk: Senior Falls
When I talk with families about caring for the elderly and safety in the home, falls and fractures seem to always come up. Our senior clients tell us they are terrified they are going to fall and their children are equally worried as well. Proper fall prevention strategies should always be included in a home safety evaluation. For a complete home care checklist, please contact us.
Home Care Talk: Bathing
I'm concerned that my mother/father has not bathed lately? How can I tell?
For the answer to this one, I went to a nurse here at Seniors Home Care, Alice Endy. Alice says that this question comes up frequently. Family members are concerned with the hygiene of their loved one, but sometimes feel uncomfortable asking the question.
Elderly Home Care - Do you have time for a walk?
Have you taken a walk lately. The weather in St. Louis this time of year is perfect for a walk around the block or if you are more ambitious, a hike on your favorite trails. Last week I saw a whole hillside covered in quartz.
I came across this article today from the Los Angeles Times today reporting on a study published by the Journal of Neurology. This study is interesting because it not only points out the benefits to your physical body but also memory and congnitive improvements.
Senior Care at Home - Medication Management
The average, relatively healthy senior takes 4-5 prescription medications and 2 over-the-counter medications per day.
Those seniors with more complex conditions may take 12-15 medications daily.
Care for the Elderly: Congestive Heart Failure
"All I Heard Was Congestive Heart Failure. What Does That Mean? Is She Going To Die? "
"He Is Trying to Explain It -But It is Like The Doctor Is Speaking Another Language."…
As a nurse who primarily cares for the elderly, these are common reactions I hear.